Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Keira!

Our baby finally arrived in the wee hours of Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 2:32 am. The adventure actually began the day before when Jonas and I took a half an hour walk around our neighborhood. When we got home I started feeling sick to my stomach. I actually thought I had indigestion from the hamburger and fries I ate the day before, but then I started feeling worse and worse. I felt pains in my stomach which actually got worse as time progressed, then I started timing the pains and then it hit me. I'M IN LABOR!! I called Jonas at work and he came home early to help me pack since I wasn't at all prepared. So we started our journey from Victorville to Mission Viejo. By this time the contractions were coming at random times, but on the average 6-8 minutes apart. So here we are going 100 mph on the freeway towards the hospital, I'm in labor and poor Jonas trying to breath with me each contraction. We get to the emergency room and they send me right up to labor/delivery. They make me put on the ugly hospital clothing and then the nurse checks me and let's me know that I'm already 3cm dilated.
"YOU'RE HAVING THIS BABY TONIGHT" the nurse told Jonas. We got to the hospital around 3:00 pm, but I actually didn't get the epidural until approximately 9:00 pm because the hospital was understaffed. To make a long story short, my water broke and by midnight I was already 9 cm dilated, the epidural didn't work at all because I felt everything, excrutiating pain like never before. So after 6 easy pushes Keira popped out and we welcomed her with open arms!!! All 6 lb. 4 oz. of her!!! By the way did I mention my crazy sister flew in from Vegas and was with me the whole time. Thanx Chanita, we all love you!!!

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