Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Keira's 3 weeks old!!

A lot can happen in 3 weeks. My little Keira's getting cuter every day. She smiles (it's actually gas the doctor says), she finally got the hang of breastfeeding, and she's sleeping much better. This third week of having her in our life has been much smoother as we adjust to new sleeping schedules. The only problem is she cries as soon as we put her in her crib, so we give in and let her sleep with us. It is incredible how early in life children are good at manipulating their parents, HA HA HA! She already did her first naughty act, little Keira did. She pooped (sprayed) all over me while I was changing her diaper.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Okay, I am so in love with Keira! She's so cute!!! She's got BIG eyes!!!